Sunday, December 6, 2009

I have been working on material for my wordpress site and will start posting it as completed. I still need to edit parts of it, some will go on as rough copies for the sake of completing this assignment. As I do not plan to continue this past Eng 499 in the spring. The site is



  1. Long time since I have seen you anywhere. What is with PTEC 101? Are you still in the class? Just wondering because haven't seen you, but it may be because it is such a large group... =] See you this week or next at ENGL 280 exam time. I will be checking out your blog... now!

  2. Holy shit! I read the post... rough, if that is what you want to call it. Dear God, Andy! I almost had a slight aneurysm when I read the post because of the misspelling and grammatical errors. I enjoyed the disclaimer/insight to the people who know you though. Very clever! =]

  3. Nikki,
    I posted on Andy's site. It is rough - if you're only concerned with grammar. I do not mean to dismiss grammar. However, sometimes it does get in the way of good conversation/communication. Reality is, Andy has a flow of information that is more important than it's format. Can grammar be cast aside at times?

  4. Haha, that was... interesting, Andy. The grammar didn't offend me too much, but it was somewhat distracting. I did enjoy the "off-the-cuff" writing style. Let's see some poetry next!
